What are signs of executive functioning problems?


  Description Possible Signs or Symptoms of Dysfunction
Goal Identify goal or set goal. Acts as if “future-blind” (Barkley, 2002), i.e. not working towards the future.
Plan Develop steps towards goal, identify materials needed, set completion date. – May start project without necessary materials 
– May not leave enough time to complete
– May not make plans for the weekend with peers
Sequence Arrange (and enact) steps in proper order spatially or temporally. – May skip steps in multi-step task 
– May have difficulty relating story chronologically 
– May “jump the gun” socially
Prioritize Establish ranking of needs or tasks. – May waste time doing small project and fail to do big project 
– May have difficulty identifying what material to record in note-taking
Organize Obtain and maintain necessary materials and aids to completing sequence and achieving goal. – May lose important papers or possessions 
– May fail to turn in completed work 
– May create unrealistic schedule
Initiate Begin or start task. Difficulty getting started on tasks may appear as oppositional behavior
Inhibit Stop oneself from responding to distractors. Delay gratification in service of more important, long-term goal. – May appear distractible and/or impulsive 
– May pick smaller, immediate reward over larger, delayed reward
Pace Establish and adjust work or production rate so that goal is met by specified completion time or date. May run out of time
Shift Move from one task to another smoothly and quickly. Respond to feedback by adjusting plan or steps. May have difficulty making transitions and/or coping with unforeseen events
Self-Monitor Assessing one’s performance and progress towards goal. – Doesn’t check to insure that each step is completed
– Doesn’t monitor pace to determine if goal will be met on time, 
– Doesn’t check work before submitting it
Emotional Control Regulating and modulating responses to situations. May exhibit inappropriate or over-reactive response to situations
Complete Reaching the self-set or other-set goal. May start tasks but not finish them